Our Stay at Dormy House in The Cotswolds | Travel

I have wanted to stay at Dormy House for a long time. Recently my wish was fulfilled, a change to Dr W’s plans and off we headed to the Cotswolds for a couple of days.

Dormy House is near to my current favourite running spot Broadway. It’s at the top of hill we have run up a couple of times now and is just the most stunning country house. Cotswold stone, climbing vines and a beautiful garden (I wish I’d gotten pictures) it really was wonderful. Spoiler alert – the best thing about Dormy, just how bloomin’ peaceful it was. We really needed that peace and quiet, from sitting in the lounges reading after dinner to the quietness of the spa area. It was just perfect.

The Room

We stayed in a ‘Comfy’ room. This was in the courtyard area, which I was a little concerned about as the walk way was near our room. But genuinely we had nothing to worry about. We weren’t disturbed by people walking outside or rooms opposite ours. We also had our own private courtyard space as well as our own lounge area, which we did make the most of. It was a incredible room! It was comfy but not small, we had ample space to move around and it was very comfortable. We didn’t really want to leave the room when we checked in but adventures were calling.


Regular readers will know that I’m currently training for a half marathon. So in order to not fall behind, but make the most of our spa time at the Dormy, we got out for my longer run on the day of check in. We booked a late dinner and headed out for a 10km run up to Broadway Tower, down to Broadway village then back up the hill (yes uphill!) to the hotel. It would make a great walk if running is not your thing. I also checked out the gym on the Wednesday as I don’t do much gym stuff anymore and I didn’t want to let the chance go.


Dormy House is a bit renowned for it’s spa. For us this was a huge factor in staying there. As a hotel guest you get full use of the facilities, which is exactly what we wanted. We pretty much spent most of our other time in the spa as I couldn’t get enough of the jacuzzi. I also got some swimming in, which was really enjoyable. Outside of using the spa, we also made the most of our lounge area in the room. Enjoying a good cup of tea and choccies, whilst curled up under a blanket.

The Food

On the first night we booked into The Potting Shed, which is one of the three restaurants at the hotel. We wanted a more casual affair, which in this pub style setting, it was. We enjoyed sharing the Camembert and I ordered a delicious Chicken Kiev. We were quite impressed with the food. Breakfast-wise the Dormy has you set up for all sorts, from porridge, to cooked. Then continental too. It really was quite a feast. I loved the owl tea cosies, so cute!


Our stay was the most relaxing hotel stay we’ve ever had. The service was fantastic, from the turning down service in the room (getting back to sleep balm and fresh water by your bed after dinner is just wonderful!) to the attentive staff at breakfast and dinner. We enjoyed a full body massage as part of our stay and the spa staff were just incredible. The massage therapists looked after my tight runners legs and helped Dr W’s sore back. Honestly I cannot wait to return to enjoy this special place again. It may be a pricey stay, but I can assure you it’s worth every penny.

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