A Week in the Lake District | Travel Round Up

Gosh with everything that’s gone on lately this trip feels like a life time ago. And to be honest, it’s been almost four weeks since we left for our week in the Lake District. Staying for a week in the quaint village of Hawkshead, we had a really enjoyable get away.

We stayed in a typical Lake District cottage called Meadow View. but be warned, there really is only space for one car, contrary to the street parking option in the description. Other than that it was a gorgeous cottage and perfect for a week long get away. We made so much use of the log fire and enjoyed our time chilling out.

The Quaint Village of Hawkshead

So you may be familiar with Hawkshead already. It’s home of Hawkshead beer (oh yes) and of course home to Beatrix Potter. It’s a cute little village with all manner of cute shops, delis and of course pubs. Our favourite of the week being the Red Lion as it was just so cosy. We also discovered (and embraced with our Sunday hangovers) The Little Ice Cream Shop. You need to order the birthday cake ice cream that’s for sure. They also have a black ice cream that is vanilla flavour, it’s gorgeous, but also as black as my soul.

Finding Autumn in Grizedale Forest

On our first proper, not hungover day, we managed to get out for some walking. We headed up from Hawkshead Village up to Grizedale Forest. Walking through the forest to Carron Crag where we watched the weather quickly descend. So turning around fairly sharpish! It was an absolutely gorgeous walk though and I wish I’d explored a bit more of the forest. All the more reason to go back.

Hiking Date

Dr W and I fancied a day together (we were staying in Hawskhead with friends). So we took ourselves off to complete the latter part of the Kentmere Horseshoe about 3 years after we started. Last time we tried was on a heatwave and we gave up towards the end missing several of the fells. So on this blustery day (I didn’t enjoy the windy scramble!) we bagged the last two fells in the horseshoe and it made for a lovely day together. We also headed to the Hawkshead Brewery for a beer after.

Lazy Lazy Spa Days

Feeling sore from our hike the day before, we spent the next day in a spa. Sadly we didn’t have a chance to book in a treatment. But I massively enjoyed a lengthy swim, sauna and jacuzzi at the Swan Hotel and Spa. We were a bit naughty after and treated ourselves to drinks in the bar. Dr W had an epic hot chocolate and I couldn’t say no to a G&T (well I wasn’t driving…) And FYI the Swan is a gorgeous hotel, Dr W and I are plotting if we can go and stay there soon… mainly to make better use of the spa!

Sca Fell, no not the one you’re thinking, the other one

Our last full day saw us on another hiking adventure. The plan was Sca Fell then on to Scafell Pike. Well it didn’t happen, the weather turned and it would’ve made the scramble between the two peaks an interesting experience. But it was a crazy day with lots of ascent and a slight detour (due to an argument of map vs. GPS). It was fun all the same and the pint at the end was a lovely reward. Having done Scafell Pike already as a kid I’m not too upset for missing it, but bagging Sca Fell was another wainright off the list for me.

Curry in Ambleside

We couldn’t be bothered to cook on our last night so we headed back to Ambleside for curry. This is somewhere Dr W and I went to earlier in the week (not far from Hawkshead) so we could look at trail shoes. Both of us want to get back into trail running this autumn/winter. The Little House in Ambleside is well worth checking out, also if you get a chance go to the Apple Pie Bakery.

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