Three Tips for Exercise Recovery

I’ve recently started upping my exercise levels, with walking, running and longer distance hiking. I find the mixture of these really good for keeping not only my fitness up, but also no gym boredom here!

Now whilst it may be more obvious to make sure you recover properly after running, hiking and walking if quite high intensity mean you need to look after yourself too. So I’m joining in with a campaign called #WorkHardSleepWell in collaboration with Bed Guru. I’m going to share with you some of my tips for looking after yourself after exercise, to make sure you’re ready to hit the gym/pavements/mountains ASAP after your last session.

#1 Get Some Rest

Sleep is probably the most important thing after exercise. This gives your body time to heal and your muscles, bones and joints will appreciate as close to the 8 hours as possible. If you struggle to sleep after exercise try taking magnesium supplements, magnesium is thought to help regulate chemicals your body produces to help with sleep. You should also make sure you’re comfy, sleeping on a decent mattress can help aid a better sleeping position and encourage longer sleep.

#2 Eat Breakfast

Food is fuel and it’s so important to try and eat breakfast when you’re working out. A balanced plate of carbohydrates for energy, protein for your muscles and vegetables is the perfect thing for aiding exercise as well as recovery. Overnight oats can be very useful for breakfast on days with workouts or long hikes planned. Add fresh fruit for extra fibre and vitamins.

#3 Get Comfy

When you get back from that hike, run or gym session, don’t forget to stretch but also don’t forget your PJs. Comfy clothes after exercise will help you feel better and keep your muscles warm after exercise, which will help recovery. There’s nothing like fresh PJs after a hot shower!

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