Five Ways to Get Outdoors More This Year with Berghaus

It turns out I’m not the only one who’s trying to get outdoors more. Berghaus have been challenging people to do the very same. In the new year they launched the First Foot Challenge to encourage everyone to spend their first day of the new year on their feet in the great outdoors. This is something Dr W and I did on holiday in Scotland. With this, we’ve been trying to get out more ever since. Although with busy lives and house buying we know it’s not always possible, but here’s Five Ways to Get Outdoors More. I hope it’ll encourage you to spend weekends on your feet in the countryside as well.

Have a look at something local

You don’t need to plan some epic in a far away mountain range to get outdoors. Why not take a look at what’s around you? There may be a local country park, woodland or even a National Trust property with sprawling grounds to walk around. At the weekend Dr W and I headed to Brockhampton Estate for this very reason. We knew we could get a decent walk in and enjoy the outdoors, and the estate is about 30 minutes from where we live.

Wear the right shoes

Think about where you’re going. If it’s a track you can probably get away with your trainers. If it’s a muddy path your new suede boots may not be the ones. Dr W and I saw too many people with the wrong shoes in the mud at the weekend. Think about your comfort (and the expense/time to clean them up). For a lot of low level muddy walks you can even wear wellies – although be careful on longer walks as they’re not so supportive for your feet.

Pack a picnic

If you’re having a slightly longer day out don’t forget to take some snacks. Our walk this weekend was fairly short so we had lunch waiting for us at home. If we’re on a longer walk we pack sarnies, crisps and chocolate bars. You could pack a flask if it’s cold. Sometimes if it’s really cold I leave a flask in the car for our return. There’s nothing like drinking tea perched on the boot of the car after a blustery walk!

Wrap up warm and keep dry

Check the weather forecast before you leave. You may just be going on a little walk in a local park, but you don’t want to be cold and/or wet do you? At the weekend I donned my Berghaus Ridgemaster jacket for our adventure. There was a chance it was going to rain so I wasn’t going to take the risk. Luckily it didn’t but it still kept me super warm. We’re hoping for a longer hike this weekend, maybe I’ll get to check out it’s waterproof gortex-ness this weekend?!

Plan a circular walk that involves a pub

Another idea to encourage more outdoors adventures is a popular Pond Family past time. Daddy Pond would every so often plan a walk that ended in the pub for good old Sunday lunch. Now I must admit Dr W and I don’t often do this after our own walks, but if we’re hiking with friends we will try and find a pub after a long day on the mountains. Sometimes the promise of a reward at the end can spur you on to take a slightly longer walk at the weekend!

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