6 Things to Do and Explore in Krakow | Travel

I was actually out in Krakow for work, but tacked on a few days at the end to explore. We definitely want to go back and explore some more as there’s a few things we missed out. But in the few short days we spent there we managed quite a lot, here’s some highlights and tips from our visit.

#1 Walk around the Old Town

We were staying at Hotel Puro by the station. A very nice hotel that is in the perfect place for exploring. Close to central tram stops, the station and the bus station. It was very handy for Dr W coming from the airport. Anyway, being in the vicinity it is, it’s great for exploring the old town by foot. We walked around where the old city walls were, a nice circular walk. Of course we also explored the main square, the Cloth Hall, St Mary’s Basillica and Wawel Castle. It really is a beautiful place and I think if we return with more time we’d go into some of the museums and churches.

#2 Pierogi at Mr Vincent’s

Mr Vincent’s is located at Bożego Ciała 12, 33-332 Kraków, Poland.

If you visit Poland you can’t not go and eat some Pierogi. We went to Mr Vincent’s and enjoyed an absolute feast in their cosy restaurant. The traditional is with cheese and potato, with onions. But there are many more alternatives to try. As well as a traditional platter we tried some meat pierogi. All delicious! It’s well worth a visit, especially in winter when you need something more comforting.

#3 Krakow Parkrun

Krakow Parkrun is located at aleja 3 Maja 2, 33-332 Kraków, Poland. It starts at 9am on Saturdays.

Ok so not everyone’s cup of tea, but you know what the Parkrun community is amazing. I had a great time running with new people, including other tourists from all over. I made new Strava friends, enjoyed a brew at the end and genuinely had a great time. It was nice to run around Krakow to the Parkrun start, and see the city in a different way.

#4 Brunch at Bistro Charlotte

Bistrot Charlotte is located at plac Szczepański 2, 31-011 Kraków, Poland.

On our last morning we headed for brunch after a lazy lie in. We did find a number of brunch places (we chose not to breakfast at the hotel) over the few days but Bistrot Charlotte was our favourite. We ordered baskets of fresh pastries and bread. These came with jam and chocolate sauces. I won’t lie we went for the option of a boozy brunch, it was our last day of holiday after all.

#5 Beers at Craftownia

Craftownia is located at Świętego Wawrzyńca 22, 31-060 Kraków, Poland.

I discovered this one on the way to conference dinner, but couldn’t stay long enough for a drink. So when Dr W arrived I knew I had to go with him. Craftownia is a multitap pub, but also has an extensive range of bottled beers/cans and spirits. We spent a lot of time here. The atmosphere was good, the music choices were fab and it was just what we want in a pub/taproom. Would definitely recommend. It’s not far to walk to Mr Vincent’s either for pierogi to soak up the beer!

#6 Visit Auschwitz

I was in two minds to add this but I felt I should share my tips. Auschwitz is near enough to visit from Krakow, it’s not nice and that’s the simplest way of putting it. Like Anne Frank’s House, Pinkas Synagogue Holocaust Memorial in Prague, Holocaust Memorial in Berlin and Dresden to name a few. It’s a place that holds a horrific past, but a place that needs visiting. There are many tours from Krakow that are very expensive and give you a very time limited time in both 1 and 2. For me I wanted to spend time and not be rushed. So we got the bus and arrived at Auschwitz 1 ahead of the 10am shut off (you can only visit with a tour between 10am and 3pm). We did not queue, we got to walk around as we wished and then used the free connection to Auschwitz 2 (Birkenau). This is where we spent most of our time, it’s a huge site and we noticed most tours not visiting certain parts. Another reason for not booking a tour. Signs are English, Hebrew and Polish, you can buy a guide book as well if you wish. Compared to a £40-50 tour, we spent just £7 on our bus tickets as the museums are free and I felt like I got more from my visit than others I’ve spoken too who have done a tour. Pack a packed lunch (easy as there’s a huge Carreforre in the train station by the bus station).

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