Starting from Scratch | Half Marathon Training

Starting from scratch is pretty daunting. I feel a bit lost. I can just about comfortably run a slow 5k. Last time I was running between 30-50k a week routinely! So I’ve decided that I will just aim to get the distance in instead and not stress about timings.

I was supposed to be running the Great North Run but everything has conspired to me not doing this. So I’m running with some friends from work for CRUK at the Great Birmingham Run. This is in October, so starting half marathon training properly in June/July should hopefully mean I’m alright on the day. It’s also closer to home so I don’t have to worry about travel now.

To help me start off my training TJ Hughes sent me some Nike Air Max trainers*. Now I’m not really a Nike fan running shoe wise, but these trainers are perfect for my at home workouts and also my walking. Dr W and I have been upping our Fitbit goals lately with the aim of 12k steps a day now! I’m hoping this will help overall with the half marathon training. Anyway, I’m trying to shift back into training so here are my top 5 tips for getting back out there:

  • Don’t go schedule mad at the start – by all means have a plan, but scheduling out the next three months is too much. I plan the next 2-3 weeks ahead at most. It also means you can switch up your training if you’re not enjoying a part of it.
  • Try and make some healthy choices – I’m not one for pushing diets but making healthier choices overall will help with running. TJ Hughes have some great cheap food processors and blenders so you could try making some smoothies for breakfast. I’ve been enjoying making smoothie bowls lately.
  • Find an exercise buddy – I’ve started doing some of my runs with a good friend. They’re a bit faster than me, but we go out on the longer slower runs together and it helps both of us keep pace. It’s also nice to catch up!
  • Music – I love my iPod shuffle, those training runs and home work outs that I struggle to get into, music really helps. I also use YouTube for home workouts, there’s so many good exercise vloggers out there. Tom Davey’s ab work outs are fab.
  • Parkrun – I’ve recently gotten into Parkrun. There’s a new one started closer to my flat, which is perfect. I don’t manage every week. But when I can it’s great to go and run an organised 5k and people are very friendly. Again all very encouraging!

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